Tennessee Valley Woodworkers


Meeting September 19, 2023

Meeting called to order by President Jim J at 6:30pm.

Visiting Guests: No visitors

Review of 2024 Calendar of Events

Club Picnic at Falls Mill. Meat provided, Saturday, September 23, 11a-2p

Tim’s Ford Fall Fest (aka Heritage Day) Saturday, October 7, 9-3 PM.  TVW members are encouraged to come out and show/sell your work and/or demonstrate your talents!

Carving Seminar with Rich Wetherbee, member of the Caricature Carvers of America (CCA) October 21-22 8:30a-4:30p NOW FREE (a $200 value) to club members for the instruction and one roughout! Class size is up to 12 students.  Please come try it as we have all the tools you need and now have a nationally recognized instructor!  Contact Jim Jolliffe at [email protected] or call 937.545.9135 to sign up.

The Tool and Craft Fair will be held Saturday, Oct 28th from 8 AM -2 PM at St Barnabas Episcopal Church.  No fee for members to set up and sell their tools and their wood creations!  Set up will be Saturday morning from 7-8 AM with the sale beginning at 8.  Karen Browning plans to bring pulled pork for participating TVW members’ lunch!


October 17              Gary & Jim                       Club Auction continued from August

November 21         Tim Ryan                          Stabilizing Wood

December 19          Club Members                 Super Show and Tell

Complete list of events at club website

Shop Tips

Tip 1: Prevent Excess Glue Marks. Glue and clamp your project. Apply Masking tape. After dry cut along seam with a knife.  Alternatively, don’t use too much glue!

Tip 2: Avoiding dry wall screws as they are brittle and may stain the wood over time.

Show & Tell

Micky Knowles brought in a walnut bowls finished with Ser and Lacquer Sanding Sealer and Lacquer.

Gary Runyon made 2 Sliding Lid Boxes of Chittum wood and Walnut, fished with Minwax Antique Oil.

Chris Sautter presented 4 turned bowls: Two were Maple, two Spalted Box Elder. They were finished with Oil and Bees Wax. Chris noted that the spalted Box Elder tree belongs to his neighbor and we may consider harvesting some/all of the wood when he decides to fell the tree.

Vince Zaccardi brought in 4 bowls made of: Leyland Cyprus, Oak, Red Oak, Maple. The Red Oak and Oak were finished in Lacquer.

Jim Jolliffe showed us a carved Love Spoon out of Cherry which he finished with Rattle Can Lacquer.

Program for Tonight

Anthony Watts brought in many Shaker Boxes and explained how he had made them. Thank you Anthony!

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

Bring your checkbooks, Auction will be continued at our next meeting

Next meeting will be October 17, 2023