• Vol 30 / Issue 3
  • March  2015
  • Editor, Johnnie Brown

Next Meeting March 17th      

The March meeting will be at 7:00 pm on the 17 th at the University of Tennessee Space institute, room H111.

About The Program

March 17, 2015    "A woodworker's use of Sketchup for project design".  Not a tutorial on Sketchup but an introduction to a method a woodworker can use with minimal indepth technical knowledge of the computer -- Loyd Ackerman


For the safety of our members and the various issues caused by weather conditions, the February meeting of Tennessee Valley Woodworkers was  cancelled.




Turning Bee

May 9  Wendland Shop

About our Club 

  Woodworking is a great hobby and can be enjoyed without collaboration or contact with other woodworkers at all, but a woodworking club like the Tennessee Valley Woodworkers provides a valuable tool that would be hard to find anywhere else.  The tool we offer is our contact with other woodworkers.  We gather once a month in a comfortable room to enjoy visiting with other woodworkers and sharing our work with them.  While we have a woodworking program at every meeting, it’s probably no surprise that the highlight of our meeting is actually Show & Tell.

  Show & Tell lets us all see each other’s work and to have a discussion about that work and other related topics.  Sometimes the discussion turns into a real learning experience with questions asked and answered.  As a member presents his or her piece to the membership the atmosphere in the room is always one of focus on the piece and the story that goes along.  Some of the stories and presentations center around the piece itself; other times the conversation becomes the focus.  Either way, the learning and camaraderie that results is something special. 

 From the very beginning the Club decided to have a means to communicate during the month between meetings and Splinters (the Club’s newsletter) came into being.  The newsletter is designed to tie the meetings together with a review of the past meeting and a preview of the upcoming one.  This media has served us well.  As time went on we started our website (www.tnvalleywoodclub.org) and used that facility to make all of our documents available on line.  A case in point is that every copy of the newsletter is online for you to look at if you wish – all the way back to 1986.

   The newsletter is a means for the Club leadership to communicate to you and in a way to serve as an historical record, but a few years ago we decided to create a means for members to communicate to each other directly.  That was when the Forum was born.  The Forum (really 18 sub-Forums) is a place for any member to communicate with others between meetings.  The Forums are available by clicking on the word “Forum” at the top of the Club’s Home page.  

   One beauty of the Forum idea is that members with experience in an area can help novice members by answering their questions or commenting on his or her posting.  This is the essence of the Club’s mission after all, isn’t it?  Members helping each other over obstacles is one attribute of Club life that now is available on line – if you use it.   The more that members participate, the more valuable it gets.  

  And that’s the idea of course: The more people that use the Forums the more information available to us all and the more interesting it is for everyone.  So now we finally get to the message and it’s straight forward.

  Please log on to the Forum and participate in the interchange of ideas.  If at any time you have difficulty getting logged in, send a message to tv-w@live.com or call Loyd Ackerman or Chuck Taylor.

  And by the way, we’ve added a Forum category named – what else? – “Show & Tell”.  Have fun!




The Club’s library offers electronic media only - DVDs, CD, and VHS tapes. Members may donate the original media to the library if they wish. Once donated, it becomes property of the Library. Items are checked out at any general Club meeting and must be returned at the next meeting. While the item is in your possession you are expected to take good care of it and replace it if damaged or lost. Of course, you won’t be held accountable for normal degradation of the media. This valuable resource gives members access to digital media at no cost, but it is limited, so members need to be sensitive to the check-out and check-in requirements. If you have media you would like to donate, or would like to reserve a certain video, contact August Dobert. His contact information is listed on the membership roster in the "Club Info" section.

Some of the Club’s videos are available for viewing over the Internet. Click on the linked name of the video to view it directly. If you prefer, you can download it by using the “Save Target As” function of your browser. These videos are property of the Tennessee Valley Woodworkers Club and are made available for individual viewing only. You must request permission for any other use. See Contact Us in the header of any TVW Website page.

By-Laws of Tennessee Valley Woodworkers - Article 1



The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club. He/she shall appoint the chairmen of all committees except the Executive Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all such committees. He/she shall sign such papers as may be required by the office. He/she may require such reports from the Secretary or Treasurer and all or part of standing committees and shall perform other duties incident to the office.

Vice President

The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in case of absence, the resignation or inability of the President to act, and such other duties as may be assigned to him/her from time to time by the President, and shall also serve as Program Chairman for the Club.

Publicity Chairman

The Publicity Chairman shall coordinate all publicity concerning the affairs of the Club.


The Secretary shall record and maintain an archive of the minutes of all regular club meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee. He/she shall maintain a list of all club property.


The Treasurer shall keep records of all money received and paid out by the Club, and shall issue a financial report to the Executive Committee and Club members as necessary. He/she shall notify the Membership Chairman of any changes to facilitate maintenance of the membership lists. He/she shall authorize procurement of materials and services as may be needed by the Club, provided the expenditures are approved by the Executive Committee and will not result in a deficit.

Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter Editor shall produce a newsletter each month. The newsletter shall be timed to arrive before each meeting and shall include a report of events at the prior meeting and a preview of the upcoming meeting. The Editor shall have the flexibility to include such other items as he/she feels appropriate in the newsletter.

Membership Chairman

The Membership Chairman shall be responsible to maintain the member list. He/she shall receive changes in the membership from the Treasurer when a member joins or resigns the Club. The Membership Chairman shall take photos of new members, format them, upload them to the website server, link them to the on line membership list so that the photo is accessible to the general membership, and shall install them in the Avatar gallery on the Forum for access by prospective users profiles there.



    We meet in Jim Jollifee’s shop at 201 Jollifee LN, Tullahoma. We regulary meet on the first Saturady of each month


Everyone is invited to come and participate or just come to listen.

Contact Ron Reimers @ 931-308-5196 or ronreimers@hotmail.com for additional information.


Want to see what is planned for the remainder of the current year? Click here to see the events and dates of the TVW planned activities for the current year.




Kenneth (Dale) Daniel is back in business and will again sharpen TVW member blades. His location is 2007 Ovoca Road, Tullahoma. Phone – 931-455-5024, cell – 931-247-4753.





If you are a recent new member or had requested a new name tag, a box of name tags will be available at the next meeting. In the  future, name tags will be made for new members and available for pickup at the next regular monthly meeting. Name tags for other  members will be made upon request only and will also be available for pickup at the next meeting.

Please contact Chuck Taylor (931-728-7086 or email taylor_cw@charter.net) for information or name tags.


        No February meeting, no show and tell


  To view the "Links of Interest" on our web site, please click here.           


Click here to see the Exchange Opportunities

If you have additional woodworking items for sale or are looking for woodworking items, please send information to Chuck Taylor at 931-728-7086 or email to taylor_cw@charter.net .


Shop Tip

Glue with care

If every joint you make becomes a glue-gusher during assembly, you’re using too much adhesive. Spread an even coat of glue on one piece of each joint. You’re using the perfect amount when clamping produces a line of small glue beads along the joint. Wait about half an hour until the squeeze-out becomes rubbery, and remove it with a sharp paint scraper. Clean the scraper frequently with a paper towel to avoid pushing a glob of glue across the surface.


Work safely and don’t take unnecessary chances with your woodworking tools.




Want a good tip concerning your current project?

Visit this web site for “tips for every situation”: http://www.woodworkingtips.com/etips/



The following companies are supporters of the TVW club. Click on their "logo" to go to their web site.