MARCH 19, 2019
Meeting called to order by President Karen Browing at 6:30pm.
Guest: Paul Anderson, Roy Anderson, Joy Rodrick
Carvers: meet 1st and 3rd Saturday at Jim Jolliffe shop 8:30-10:30am.
Doyle McConnell working on rescheduling shop tours. Peppermill workshop 8am Fri
and Sat.
Donation request: Tullahoma Literacy Council by end of March.
Carl Blumenthal passed out sheets asking for members who had skills they willing
to share and for members that had info on jigs, tips, and tricks.
Next month Vince Zaccardi program: Story Walk Tullahoma
Matt Brothers said lacquer may be obtained at Hoover Paint in Shellbyville.
Turning Bee May 18th $10.00 at Larry Wendland”s shop. Lunch provided. Mentors
meeting after April meeting.
Tony Murphy showed slides of shop bench he made which included a vice. Wood
Darrell Albert had a carved bowl of chittum burl finished with odis oil and wax.
Paul Jalbert showed a hand carved plaque inspired by sign at Dr. Tidmore's
office. Made of walnut from Lem Motlow's office floor circa 1958. Finish acrylic
paint and semi-gloss poly urethane.
Loyd Ackerman brought 2 CNC carved pieces of cherry. One of a horse and one of a
goose with no finish.
John Duval showed a number of items he mad in last few weeks. He had a cutting
board made of cherry and walnut and finished with oil and wax. He brought 3
natural edge bowls with bark. Made of walnut and finish poly. Also 3 large
natural edge platters made of cottonwood and finished with oil and wax. He had a
small plate made of box elder with poly finish. John had a variety of bowls made
of cherry, Bradford pear, and walnut. Finished with poly.
Tony Eason displayed a pretty bandsaw box and 2 lighted boxes made with cherry,
walnut and oak. Finish is tung oil.
Tom McGill brought 2 bowls of box elder. He explained he uses tape around top
edge to slow drying as edges dry faster than body of bowl.
Richard Gulley showed memorial crosses made of oak, maple, and cherry. He showed
signs made on CNC with no finish.
John Hartin displayed a large bowl with a unique decorated edge. He said made
from a large magnolia crotch and finished with lacquer.
Program: Tool Steels For Woodworking by Gary Runyon
Gary discussed metallurgy using and explaining carbon phase diagram. He showed
some knives he made. He talked about time temperature quench. He said the finer
the grain the harder. He discussed using water, oil and air to get steel hard.
Gary told of high speed steels and stainless steels. He told that powder
metallurgy tool steels are used a lot of for turning tools. He went over
advantages and disadvantage of powder metallurgy steels. He gave 3 tips on heat
treating tool steel if you doing yourself. 1. harden at night 2. harden at night
3. harden at night. Gary answered questions.
Meeting adjourned.