Minutes for August 21, 2012 meeting


*Members in attendance were 58



** Jay Wooden, Huntsville, AL, Jack Turner, Norm Bennett, Murfreesboro, TN.

President Vince Zaccardi called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

*New Members: Reilly Early, this clubs youngest member.



            *Sign the Super Door Prize List

*Vince Zaccardi reminded all guest to sign to guest sheet.

            *General meeting always on the third Tuesday of each month

            *Carvers meeting are always the first Saturday of each month

*A clipboard was passed around for members to sign up for the grand door prize at the Christmas party.

*Vince Zaccardi reminded everyone to use the forum for new announcements and updated information.



*August 14. 2012 was the first meeting of the North Alabama Woodcrafters club there was an excellent turnout.  Vince Zaccardi and Tom Cowan alone with other members of TVWW club were on hand to help out.

 *Vince Zaccardi was asking for suggestions for new club officers.

*Mont eagle Arts and Craft fair was held on July 28 and 29 with good crowds each day.

*Items for the UTSI picnic need to be turned in no later than the Sept 17 which is the next club meeting.           



*The Fall Seminar has been cancelled and will be moved to the Spring Seminar.

*Loyd Ackerman asked the club membership if anyone was having any problem with the Forum and if they were to contact either him or Chuck Taylor.  Loyd once again encourage everyone to utilize the Forum.

Club events:

            *The Bell Buckle Fair will be held on October 21-23 2012.

            *Polly Crocket Festival in Winchester, TN will be held Sept 21 thru Sept 23 2012.

*Coffee County Fair will be held the week of September 17 thru 22.

            *Huntsville Show will be held on Nov 2 and 3, 2012.

*Christmas party will be held on December 7

*Exposition will be held at the University of the South inside the Sewanee Gallery on May 19-26, 2013.






Carvers Event:

            *Meetings are held at Phil Bishops shop the 1st Saturday of each month

*The Carvers will be going to the Bell Buckle Fair in Bell Buckle, TN. on October 20-21, 2012.

*Polly Crockett Festival will be held on September 14-16

*Huntsville show will be in November.


There was no old Business


New Business:


*Vince Zaccardi mentioned to the club membership of having a full day excursion to different locations of woodworking functions.  This would enable the members attending these functions to exchange ideas and gain additional woodworking knowledge.  Tom Cowan spoke about a day trip to Custom House in Clarksville, TN., and the Tennessee State Museum on the same day.


Tonight’s Program was the presentation of a video supplied by Ross Roepke titled “Animated Woodcarvings” by Paul Boyer.

 Paul Boyer lost a leg when he was 35 years old. He needed something to do, had always been mechanically creative, and started carving. For many years, he has made fascinating mechanical creations with tiny mechanisms to make them move. The mechanisms are as beautiful as the sculptures and many of the sculptures are funny.  Paul used washing machine timers and wire to create the motion in his creations.  This video is about 30 minutes in length and is not only fascinating to watch but is also humorous and very enjoyable to view.  For those interested go to his website to view several of his videos and photos of his creations.

Paul’s interesting museum

Website:  http://www.kansastravel.org/boyergallery.htm

Paul Boyer Museum 
of Animated Carvings

1205 M Street 
 Belleville, Kansas 66935 
(785) 527-5884



 Show and Tell for the August meeting:


Matt Brothers- created a computer desk from cherry and finished with Danish Oil.

Tom Gillard- created an airfoil turning vane for a wind tunnel along with a cherry bed with head board.  He had treated the wood with a lye and water treatment to create an aged look to the wood.

Jay Hazel- presented 2 turned goblets from scrape wood along with a walnut bed.

Vince Zaccardi- presented his work in progress of segmented turning that he was working on.

Ross Roepke- displayed a box that he was donating to UTSI for their picnic.

Doyle McConnell- showed 2 pepper mills that he had created with Celtic knots in the design.  He also had made a make-up powder brush which would make great Christmas gifts.

Jim Van Cleave- made a bird feeder to replace an old one.

Reilly Earle- had made a puzzle from walnut on a scroll saw.

Micky Knowles- displayed potpourri dish from cherry and a bowl from box elder.

Sharon Wright- displayed a carving made from olive wood that a friend had brought back from the Holy Lands.